Meet The Seller

Who Am I?

My name is Ashly Guerrier, and I am a part-time Dream Coach/Life Coach, a Director of an After-School Program, a Dog Mom of 2 big dogs- a 4 year old Great Pyrenees and a 6 year old Golden Retriever- and the owner of this store. 

I am also a spiritual seeker- someone that seeks to understand life more from the spiritual lens. I believe in knowing who you truly are from the depths of your soul, and letting that be your guide to your happiness in life. 

I know happiness may feel far away for most of you, and it was once for me too. 

That is why I am dedicating my time and energy to spreading as much knowledge as I can, that I know will help you get to where you want to be. 

Life is a Journey. This Journey you are on is called Life. It will never end, but it can get better. It is getting better, as you are finding more people that resonate with you, and believe in the same values as you. 

This world is changing, and it's changing at a rate far faster than anybody could have ever anticipated. It can get better for you if you allow it to. Meeting those who resonate with you is proof that is already has. 

Now let's take that next step forward, and conquer this journey together.

I currently post videos that speaks more about what you may want to know on my YouTube Channel- Ashly Guerrier, Tiktok @ashlyguerrier, and Instagram @ashlyguerrier. 

May what you find be the answer you are seeking, or the doorway that leads to it.

