How Our Brain, Literally, Rewires Itself.

By: Ashly Guerrier


Your brain is not fixed. It's not stuck in the current state it is in. You may feel like because of past, repeated actions and old habits that are hard to kick to the curb, your brain is no longer able to change itself but that is not even close to accurate.

Every time you do a new action, your brain forms a new neural pathway. This neural pathway then forms other new connections as you continue to repeat this new behavior. The more you repeat the same, new behavior, the stronger the new neural pathway becomes. Eventually, it becomes the pathway that overrides the old pathway, allowing you to form a new habit. That is how habits are formed- by the strengthening of a neural pathway.

Are you looking to form a new habit? A new behavioral pattern that helps you stay aligned with your goals rather than doing things to self-sabotage that goal?

Watch this short clip that explains exactly how you can rewire your brain so you can start to form new habits that'll allow you to get on that path to achieving your goals.


Here is a short clip that explains exactly how your brain rewires itself each time you choose to make a new decision in life:



This video is owned by Sentis. They are a global team assisting individuals and organizations change their lives for the better.

The Sentis Brain Animation Series is the intellectual property of Sentis Pty Ltd and only approved for third party use under a formal licensing agreement.

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